Why I'm Shipping 30 for 30?

Today marks the first day of the October cohort of Ship 30 for 30. It's a writing challenge to publish an atomic essay (like this) every day for 30 days.

Why did I join Ship 30 for 30?

I've been writing online at least since 2004 and for the most part, it's been pretty inconsistent. There have been short bursts of writing here and there about a wide variety of topics. Most of my writing was simply for myself and I didn't care one way or another if anybody read it.

Now, I'm at a point in my life where I'd like to start a side-business most likely around teaching and coaching. However, I don't want to teach programming and I'm not even sure what people would want to learn from me.

I have many interests and things I could teach that I don't even realize are valuable to others. I bootstrapped and ran a successful Meetup group, I've spent 20 years as a software developer including a seven-year sprint as co-founder and CTO of a startup that recently had a successful exit.

What am I looking to write about?

My current passions are around self-improvement, including mindset, learning, and personal knowledge management (PKM). I'll be mining ideas and strategies from my journal and notes and attempting to distill them into useful nuggets of actionable wisdom.

What would a successful 30 days look like?

At this point, success is simply being able to post 30 items I'm proud of. Hopefully, I'll also have a few ideas that resonate with people and have some interesting conversations along the way.

How can you help?

  1. Read my posts every day and let me know what you think. I don't know what people want to learn from me, so let me know!
  2. Share any posts you resonate with. I'd like to spread my reach and see whom else I can help.