New Website

My website is now running on a new engine. It's a custom engine heavily inspired/borrowed from the engine that builds

The interesting thing about it isn't really the engine that builds the website. What's really cool is that all of the content I'm writing is done in an outliner.

Back in October when I was Re-Thinking Blogs it started me down a path where I started using outliners on a daily basis.

I had certainly tried working with outlines before, but something clicked this time and I found that on a status outline that I was using to communicate with Dave I was writing more than I ever did on my blog.

It comes down to flow which is something that's super important to Dave.

It makes sense. In the past when I've used a static site generator to blog or journal, I rarely posted. When I switched back to WordPress I wrote more often.

WordPress wasn't even an ideal situation, but it was less friction to publish than when I was using Gatsby or Jekyll.

We'll see how this goes, but I'm feeling optimistic. This engine also allows for small notes that don't have a title.