Goal Setting for Developers

I'll be writing a lot about my personal process for goal setting. Here is an index of those posts and the logical order to read through the exercises.

Table of Contents


  • Are you achieving your most important goals?
  • How to win at goal setting with the 80/20 rule


How do you decide which goals to pursue? Here's how you brainstorm and refine a list of your most impactful goals.

  • Your life in balance: How to choose your focus?
  • Daring to dream about your ideal life
  • The haystack: How to brainstorm potential goals
  • How to uncover your hidden goals
  • What's the one thing that will make everything easier?


Once you know what you want to achieve, what is the best way to clarify that goal into an actionable plan?

  • Goldilocks Goals: How to know if it's just right?
  • How will you know you're successful?
  • Do you know why you want this?
  • Why are you going to fail?
  • Are you looking at the whole picture?
  • How can you make success inevitable?


Don't just let your plan collect dust! Here's how to make sure you follow through on your new plans.

  • If you want to succeed, you need to schedule success
  • Are you on track? How to create a success dashboard
  • How to love failure: A lesson in reframing