My Growing ThinkTank Collection

I have a bunch of saved searches on eBay looking for interesting things. One of those things is "Living Videotext". Today my latest addition, a copy of ThinkTank 128 arrived. Still need ThinkTank 512, Ready, and MORE.

My ThinkTank Collection

My ThinkTank Collection

Dave Winer

Later that year we released our first Mac product. It was called ThinkTank 128. It was a completely new codebase, based on a new simpler data structure. I hoped to get a fresh start, with a completely memory-based product. It would be fast, and eventually support more features because the new foundation was cleaner and simpler. However this had the unfortunate side-effect that it appeared to users as if we had removed features from the product. Because ThinkTank 128, which was only available on the Mac, came after [ThinkTank for the Apple II] and [ThinkTank for the IBM PC], it was called ThinkTank and it had less features than the previous releases.