How To Build A Time Tracking App In React

In 2018, I built a time-tracking demo in React for a job I was applying for.

Screenshot of Time Tracking Demo

I had spent the years prior working with Angular (via Ionic), but many of the jobs I'd seen asked for React.

Since then, it's been dormant while I moved on to other things. I still only do a little React as my job is mostly backend Node.js development, but several side projects and one work project have had me refreshing myself with React.

Recently, I decided to take a stab at updating my demo as several things have changed through the years. Create React App is no longer in vogue, with people preferring Vite. I also dropped SCSS for CSS Modules. It's still using Redux, and I am still deciding if that's something I should keep.

I also set up things with pnpm workspaces and will probably add a backend soon.

If you'd like to follow my development, here's the code: Time Tracking Demo.

If you're a React guru and would like to review my code and give me notes, I'd appreciate it.