October 2016

  1. Yesterday I was working on a project in Radar and needed to create a command line tool for it. In the past, I've always used Symfony Console which I like. Since my application was already built using Radar and adhering to Action-Domain-Responder and Clean Architecture, I wanted a...

  2. Today I published a new component Cadre.Module. This component was born out of my side project that's using Radar. Stock Radar # Radar is built around Aura.Di which is a very nice dependency injection container. If you're interested in learning more about Radar check out Radar...

  3. On Friday I talked about a new library I created that helps integrate Atlas.ORM with PHP Debug Bar. Hari K T replied asking about using multiple connections. For instance, if you use Atlas with a default master database for writes and multiple read-only slave databases. My...

  4. In my last article, I talked about how I found an N+1 bug in Atlas ORM. I had mentioned how it took a little work to get PHP Debug Bar configured with Atlas but didn't really explain why it was difficult, or how I got them working together. At first, it seemed like it would be...

  5. In my side project I'm working with a very well normalized database with many relationships. One of the most complex pages is a Creator where it shows info about the creator and all of the works that they have contributed to. This is the database structure for this page. On the...

  6. In my prior posts about integrating Symfony Forms with Radar, I created a helper class called LazyArray. It was designed so I could pass an array of lazily instantiated objects into a setter like Twigs setExtensions method. Paul liked my implementation and asked me to submit a...